Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Photographer 1, Baked Beans 0

Did anyone else catch the story from late last week where Hugh Grant attacked a photographer with baked beans?

Baked beans. In a tub.

That just seems like the silliest thing. What, he couldn't find something pointy like an umbrella, or something heavy like an ash tray? Heck, he could have used his cell phone like Naomi Campbell and it would have seemed way less ridiculous.

Even better: Imagine having to tell your cellmates that you got arrested for hitting someone with baked beans.


Ryane said...

haha. Yeah, I saw that article. But what I really want to know is, why did Hugh Grant have a tub of baked beans to throw at a reporter? Was he saving them special for that occasion? Or, were they merely a last-minute option he grabbed from the fridge?

Just so random. Baked beans???!!

DSL said...

The Brits do eat a lot of baked beans. That's all I've got.

dara said...

Ryane: I suppose it was convenient -- otherwise it makes no sense. I mean, if I was going to hit someone with something off my desk, it would either be antibacterial hand lotion or a can of cashews. That's pretty random, but still not as random as beans.

DSL: I don't know. I honestly don't recall seeing any baked beans during my semester in London. Then again, I wasn't looking for them.

Justin S. said...

I'm assuming he just happened to have some leftover beans from a restaraunt or something. So why not use them?

If a British actor had to do this, wouldn't Rowan Atkinson have been more appropriate? Mr. Bean?

DSL said...

I didn't know that. I lived there for a year (junior year of college). I learned to put baked beans on my microwaved potato. Never ate them before. And it's part of the traditional English breakfast.

dara said...

Justin: Yes, Mr. Bean would have been more appropriate.

DSL: On the rare occasions that I ate breakfast, I had toast in my flat. And I generally ate pub food -- which didn't involve beans -- for my other meals. Admittedly, that was probably a matter of personal preference -- I'll only eat them at barbecues with hot dogs.

Still, I don't remember there being a lot of beans. What I do remember is sweet corn. Like when I ordered a tuna sandwich and found corn mixed in the tuna.

Ryane said...

HAHA. Actually, I am w/DSL on this one. Both times I lived in Britain (Scotland and England), I was served baked beans all the time. With eggs, with baked potatos, with chili. Umm.. tinned beans for breakfast---N.O. And Dara, I remember the corn in tuna fish, as well!! haha. Those crazy brits. Meanwhile, they thought I was nuts for eating PB&J, so who knows.

Justin S. said...

See Dara? You had no idea you'd be getting an education about the prominence of beans in England when you posted this. Amazing the turns comments threads can take.

For the record, I hate baked beans. I'd throw them too.

dara said...

Ryane: When I lived in London, I had to go to an "American" grocery store to get peanut butter to eat on my toast. That's also where I bought oreos. And grape kool-aid to mix with my vodka.

Justin: I learn something new every day, and sometimes it is through this blog.

More importantly, I would think that if you hate beans enough to throw them, you probably wouldn't be keeping them within your reach. Just a hunch.

DSL said...

I actually liked the baked beans in the tomato sauce that they had over there. And I like corn with my tuna. I often make salad meals with corn and tuna. And yes, they definitely thought PB&J was the strangest thing ever. I lived in the dorms and shared a kitchen with about 10. And yeah, I usually had toast for breakfast but when when you do the big breakfast thing...