But I had no idea that it was in the print edition of last Friday's Express until Caroline told me about it.
Here it is:

Oh what? You actually wanted to read it?

Wow, me in print! I'm so excited.
Update: All this, and we missed the story about how Nancy Grace caused some woman to kill herself. Apparently, she's the new Jenny Jones.
that's awesome!
Wow. You're on your way to becoming more famous than lonelygirl15!!
Very cool Dara! Please don't forget us when you hit the big time. :)
One more thing. Apparently this wasn't the first time Wonkette mentioned you.
Did you see this? And this? And this?
Ryane: Funny that you should use that word . . . . it's been sort of a joke catch phrase around these parts lately.
But yeah, this is my first time in print -- except for that one letter to the editor that I wrote to the student paper about the lack of parking at the law school library on game days.
Mad: Not even close. And actually, that's not even on my radar. According to Technorati, I have the 67,138th most popular website. My goal is to one day cross the 50,000 threshhold. But that'll only happen if I make more friends.
Dan: Big time? Not bloody likely. (See above.)
And I'm keeping a running list of my cites in the sidebar. Not only to fuel my very large ego, but because more often than not, the citing references have more interesting things to say than I do. Especially that time in slate.
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