Monday, June 11, 2007

Overheard at my office

This morning, on my way in the front door of my office, I heard the following snippet of a conversation, delivered oh-so-nonchalantly:

"Yeah, but you can't really tell until after you get the autopsy results."

This amuses me, but I can't quite figure out why.


Joe Grossberg said...

Were they talking about Alzheimer's? Apparently, the only way to be 100% sure is to dissect the brain post-mortem.

dara said...

This is one of the situations where context is everything. Based on the context, I am pretty confident that it was two cops and one attorney talking about an investigation.

Evil Spock said...

I think they were talking about rabies.

dara said...

Anything's possible. Still, about 90% of the people who work in my office building do something related to criminal law -- which necessarily informs my theory.

Anonymous said...

That statement would probably apply to a lot of things in life.

anne said...

but it is just so much more fun to speculate...and eavesdrop...and make assumptions!