Monday, February 05, 2007

The first step is admitting you have a problem

In some cultures, giving birth inside a casino might be considered a sign of a gambling problem:

A woman playing the penny slots Saturday morning left the Resorts Atlantic City casino with her own little jackpot - a new baby boy.
Thompson said she mistook labor pains for gas at first, but after going to the restroom told a security guard that she might be giving birth.

In Atlantic City, however, it's a step in the right direction:

Callender, who has worked at Resorts since it opened in 1978, said the birth was a first for the casino as far as he knew. "We've had people die here," he said, "but we've never had people born here."


Evil Spock said...

Was she able to exchange the baby for more tokens?

DSL said...

I hate to state the obvious but with all the smoke and alcohol, shouldn't a casino be one of the last places a heavily pregnant woman should be? And yet the casino takes it proudly. Where are all the prolifers now? Yeah I know, I'm being cynical today. But this is the blog for it, right? ;-)

mad said...

Not sure what is worse: Being born in a casino or dying in one.

dara said...

Evil Spock: I'm afraid it's cash, check, or credit card only. She'd probably have to go sell the baby on the black market if she was short on cash.

DSL: Yes, but remember that the Casino is just happy she's not dead. And for the record, while this blog might welcome the cynicism, please remember that I'm the new-and-improved Zen Dara.

Mad: I think it's a coin-toss. Poor kid.

DSL said...

Does that mean I have to work extra hard to offset your new zen? ;-)