Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Zen? Crazy? Maybe both.

I've been sort-of joking for weeks that I'm becoming the new Zen Dara. It's sort-of a joke, because anyone that knows me knows that I am so not Zen. Still, despite 31 years of being a certain way, I'm making a conscious effort to be more relaxed, more grateful, and -- most importantly -- less stressed.

In other words, I'm trying to not let things get to me.

For the record: It's not easy.

I have to say, though, I think it's working a little. I mean, last week I heard some news that would have ordinarily sent me into a complete tailspin, wondering about how my life has gotten so off track from what I had always planned for myself, and how I thought I wanted things to be -- and stressing out over how to fix it. Instead, on the most part, I find myself not really caring, and instead being thankful for the choices that I did make -- which have led me to where I am now -- which is pretty good.

I'm starting to scare myself. Perhaps enlightenment isn't that far off.


Anonymous said...

I love the blog that you have. I was wondering if you would link my blog to yours and in return I would do the same for your blog. If you want to, my site name is American Legends and the URL is:


If you want to do this just go to my blog and in one of the comments just write your blog name and the URL and I will add it to my site.


DSL said...

Dear Zen Dara,
I am having obsessive thoughts about killing someone who completely screwed me over a while back. How can I retain my sanity and drive this infuriating gnat from my mind? Any tips? Ways to exact revenge?
-Going Crazy, Seriously

Justin S. said...

Dear Zen Dara,

I've recently seen signs that my girlfriend is having obsessive thoughts about killing someone who completely screwed her over a while back. Is she talking about me? And if not, should I be worried anyway? Any advice on how to protect myself?

dara said...

David: Thanks. I'll have to check it out sometime.

DSL: Start by taking a deep breath, and focus on things that make you happy. Forget about revenge for the time being, with the understanding that the universe will eventually get its own revenge on your nemesis.

And stay away from weaponry.

Justin: Worrying is a waste of time. Just keep her away from weaponry.

And if you think you might have been the person, perhaps you should apologize. (Ordinarily, I'd suggest that fancy and expensive presents should do the trick, but the new Zen Dara no longer believes that material possessions can make you truly happy.)

Evil Spock said...

Enlightenment is overrated. Evilness is where its at.

Anonymous said...

I agree Dara. I look at how nice my life is right now and realize I get worked up over too many things. In fact, I had drafted a fairly wordy reply to Debby's pro-life comment yesterday, but then I thought better than to post it because life it too short.

As part of this new attitude I am too trying to take, I promise I will no longer post my rebuttals to any liberal blog entries, because as some one once said that if you can't laugh, you should take up politics, and I agree.

Cheers to you Dara! From now on, it's baseball and The Office!

dara said...

Evil Spock: I don't see how one couldn't be both enlightened AND evil.

Bo: There is no reason why you can't still post your rebuttals, even if you are embracing the new quasi-Zen attitude. It's perfectly okay to have -- and to express -- an opinion. You just can't get worked up over it.
(And, for the record, I am looking forward to baseball. Nothing is as "zen" as sitting out in the ballpark, drinking a beer, and making silly empanada bets. Plus, it means that the weather will be warmer.)

DSL said...

1. I would never call Justin a gnat. And I'm not sure I need weaponry to kill this person. This person apparently brings out my ocd, which is far deadlier than yours. I'll find a good therapist.

2. Wow, I never meant for anyone to be offended by my pro life comment. I'm sorry about that. I just get frustrated when people don't seem to be consistent. Why shouldn't they worry about other things that endanger the life of an unborn child? Perhaps this is all due to my violent hatred of smoking. What can I say? I'm from California.

DSL said...

Maybe I'd better stop commenting for a while. Perhaps my head isn't fit for society right now. I blame the gnat but I will try to heal myself. Sincere apologies to all. :-(

Anonymous said...

DSL: I think that your pro-life comment made perfect sense. You were just noting the lack of anyone protesting the various abusive things done to many unborn children -- like the smoking and drinking that goes on in a casino. (For that matter, what about someone protecting children that have already been born?) I think Bo was reading too much into it -- seeing it as a dig against the pro-life movement, when it was not.

I'm sure Justin really didn't think he was the gnat. But just make sure not to kill him by accident.

As for the healing yourself, just embrace that there are things you cannot control. And then -- let it go.

See? There's no need to stop commenting. Really.

dara said...

Wow, anonymous on my own blog. How interesting.

DSL said...

Wow, thanks anonymous. I felt terrible if Bo took my comment the wrong way (or the right way and was offended by it). I should probably just be a little more careful next time.

And remember Justin, if I do kill you, it's just an accident. ;-)

So who is this anonymous person? I take it you know him/her, Dara?

dara said...

DSl: I am anonymous. Or at least I was when the Blogger temporarily refused to acknowledge my sign-in information.

DSL said...

Oops, clearly I took that as "anonymous is actually writing on my blog." Well, may I say that you have indeed become the zen master. Perhaps I should take up some form of meditation.