Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Ninjas and Pirates: The T-Shirt War

Recently, I've blogged about both pirates and ninjas. But I haven't taken a stand in the long-running dispute between the two, which has given rise to some interesting t-shirts from several sites:

Which do you like better?


They really should just try to get along:

Or gang up on a common enemy, vampires:


HomeImprovementNinja said...

Thanks for bringing attention to this very serious problem (i.e. pirates stealing our thunder, babay!).

Clearly, in any war, even a T-Shirt war, the shinobi, with their mad killing skillz, iron discipline and superior training have an advantage over these drunken, malnourished, scurvified, unwashed sea-faring low lives, but debate is always good.

dara said...

Hmm, I never thought about it that way.