Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Time management

In case you didn't know, I read a lot. Books, newspapers, magazines, the back of cereal boxes . . . I read whatever I can find, whenever it's in front of me.

When I was stuck on the plane, I polished off As I Lay Dying and started reading Barack Obama's Dreams From My Father.

More often, lately, I've been reading websites. I try to keep up with everything -- and on the blogs, I try to leave comments! -- but there's just so many. I read too many websites, plain and simple. And even though bloglines makes it easier, it's still too much.

I think I should spend less time reading and more time sleeping.

Or maybe, I just need to improve my time management. Like by setting a time limit for non-work related website browsing. That way, I can get back to reading books -- and maybe, someday, finish that list.


Evil Spock said...

Ugh, I have way too many blogs on my blogroll. I try to visit everyone at least once a week.

Hrmmm, I'll have to look into bloglines.

DSL said...

Yes, but shouldn't you spend more time reading some things than others. How can one polish off As I Lay Dying?

dara said...

Evil Spock: Me too. But it's a lot of work.

Debby: I had started it a month ago, but hadn't finished. On Sunday, while the plane was sitting on the runway, I was able to read without interruption (other than announcements) for about 5 hours. Thus, I finished the book.

mad said...

My job requires me to read a lot of crap. A LOT. Visiting blogs like Blah Blah is a necessary diversion. So thanks, Dara, for keeping me sane!

dara said...

Mad: Thanks.

My job requires a lot of reading, too -- but it's mostly in paper form. Reading the stuff on the internet is a diversion for me, too -- usually lunchtime and evenings. But lately, I've been getting to it so late that it keeps me up. (And the only time I really have to read books is on the metro or on an airplane.)

DSL said...

So what did you think of it?

dara said...

I'm assuming you're referring to As I Lay Dying, and that you've read it. It was okay, not my favorite Faulkner. I like the idea of going back and forth between all of the different perspectives, but sometimes I think he uses it as a crutch. And, I often wonder why so many of his stories have to do with secret affairs and illegitimate children.

DSL said...


Miss Scarlet said...

I don't like Faulkner.

And I have way too much to read. I can't keep up!

jinx protocol said...

What did you think of Obama's book? I've been meaning to read it, but I haven't had a chance.

As for As I Lay Dying, it's rough. I had to read it three times in three different English classes down here at UGA.

dara said...

I haven't finished Barry's book yet -- too much work -- but so far, it's interesting.

I like Faulkner enough, and As I Lay Dying is good. I'm sure part of it is that he has such a defined writing style, and I'm just waiting for him to do something . . . different.