This is where you belong in the annals of punk history!
You are the thinking man and pranksters punk. You are what the ideal "punk as social rebel" is supposed to be. You see the capability for amazing art that punk contains just beneath the surface. You are America's favorite underground hero and your brains are what really scares the establishment. Just don't become too "more punk than thou," because then you just become the establishment that we've spent all this time fighting against and your rebellion goes up in smoke. You're too smart to let that happen. You're the real deal.

Holy blast from the past, Batman. I still have some of their stuff on vinyl. (Google that if you're unsure). I doubt whether they could release Frankenchrist today without provoking Congressional hearings.
I have vinyl, too. Mostly U2, but also some Queen, Police, and Motley Crue. My prized possession is Zeppelin 4, which, admittedly, I did try to play backwards whilst in high school.
I don't have any punk on vinyl; I have some on cassette, and when those wore out, on CD.
Either the quiz is fixed or great minds think alike: I was Dead Kennedys also.
I have about 300 albums on vinyl, including all you mentioned (except Motley Crue -- I missed the glam rock thing), which would probably be worth something if they weren't scribbled with crayon.
Have you listened to the newest Nada Surf CD yet? It's held up for several months for me, which is rare.
I haven't heard the new Nada Surf, but I have an old one -- the first, I think -- with the song "Popular" on it.
I only have about 25 albums on vinyl, since my brother decided to turn them into an art project for his middle school shop class. (When melted just right, they can make a nice vase.) None of them are in particularly good condition. For example, one of the kids I used to babysit for decided to take pink nail polish to the pentagram on the cover of Shout at the Devil.
There is, however, a really good record store near me, which I occasionally visit. It was recommended by Justin. I think the last record I bought there was Fleetwood Mac's "Tusk."
They've (Nada Surf) come a long way since "High/Low." "Let it Go" was good and "The Weight is a Gift" is excellent (I think). I bought "High/Low" after I heard (and enjoyed) the new album.
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